IA Magazine N°13

IA Magazine N°12



  • pcompoeg publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    A diesel engine is an internal combustion engine that uses compression ignition to ignite the fuel as it is injected into the engine.


    It is helpful to an understanding of how diesel engines work to compare the differences between a diesel engine and a gasoline engine. The main differences between a gasoline…[Leia mais]

  • pcompoeg publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Disposable gloves are gloves that you use one time and then throw away. They can protect your health and the health of the person you’re caring for. They help keep germs and infection from spreading to you and to the other person.

    Use gloves whenever you might touch your loved one’s body fluids, such as saliva, blood, urine, or stool. Use a new…[Leia mais]

  • pcompoeg publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Slip-on flanges are available at a lower cost and hence preferred by several contractors. The product holds ample of strength and works even under fatigue conditions as that of the weld-neck flange. The slip-on flange can work well after attaching to the end of a pipe or pipe fitting. The product is fit in easily, or the end of the pipe is set…[Leia mais]

  • pcompoeg publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Celebrities sporting lush eyelashes have always been in vogue, but now false eyelashes have gone from special-occasion adornment to a must-have, everyday accessory.

    With demand soaring, the market for false eyelashes is booming and is projected to reach more than $1.5 billion in the next five years in product alone.

    Salon owners and makeup…[Leia mais]

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Artigos da Comunidade

Uso da inteligência artificial para aumento da eficiência dos times comerciais

Por Marvin Fiori, Diretor de Inovação na Cortex A busca pelo termo “inteligência artificial” chegou ao nível mais alto desde 2004, segundo dados do ...Read More

Hiperautomação ou transformação digital?

Por Emerson Lima, fundador e CEO da Sauter Digital Considerada um dos pilares da transformação digital, a hiperautomação se tornou palavra de ordem entre inúmer...Read More

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