IA Magazine N°13

IA Magazine N°12



  • varietyg publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Taking a shower every day is not just a matter of maintaining personal hygiene. It goes way beyond mere cleansing of the body. A hot shower with clean running water and a scented soap improves your mood and makes you ready for the challenges of the day. It sets the tone for the rest of the morning and fully awakens your senses.

    But what happens…[Leia mais]

  • varietyg publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    How do you recognize certain brands and products? It is due to their specific labelling, their logo, and design. The distinct Label Printing of a product is one of its most identifiable features. Let us learn about its importance.

    Introduction to Labelling

    Labelling is the display of label in a product. A label contains information about a…[Leia mais]

  • varietyg publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Mold steel is a material that is used to manufacture the molds, including cold-punching mould, hot forging die, die-casting mold, and more. The mold is the main processing tool for the industry of machinery manufacturing, motor, radiometers and etc. The quality of mold would directly impact the quality of processing technic, the precision and…[Leia mais]

  • varietyg publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Sofas, dining tables, chairs: These are the pieces you’ll so often find labeled as “investment furniture,” those pricier objects that take center stage in a home and are loved and lived with for a lifetime. They accompany you through new jobs, moves, and maybe even relationships. Even if it comes time to downsize, they aren’t the pieces you she…[Leia mais]

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Artigos da Comunidade

Hyperautomation: como essa tecnologia pode alavancar a produtividade de seus negócios

Modelo de automação via RPA pode ajudar a desenvolver rapidamente novos modelos de negócios digitais A transformação digital é uma realidade para empresas de to...Read More

Automation Anywhere anuncia bots gratuitos para combater impactos da Covid-19 nos negócios

Companhia disponibiliza bots prontos em sua plataforma gratuita Comunnity Edition A Automation Anywhere, líder global em Automação Robótica de Processos (R...Read More

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