IA Magazine N°13

IA Magazine N°12



  • ramatwor publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    With the development of the modern technology and medicine, many advanced equipments came into being. ERCP Instruments are one of them.

    Endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is a combined endoscopic and fluoroscopic procedure in which an upper endoscope is led into a second part of the duodenum, making it possible for passage of…[Leia mais]

  • ramatwor publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    Pipes are defined as circular tubular products used for conveying fluids (liquids, gases, and fluidized solids). Pipes are designed for a particular design pressure corresponding to design temperature. Various parameters related to pipes are Pipe Size, Pipe Schedule or thickness, Pipe Material, Pressure withstanding capability, Temperature…[Leia mais]

  • ramatwor publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    Indoor plumbing has been around for a long time, and the materials used for the pipes have gone through many changes. For decades, metal and ceramic were the most common pipe materials. Many homes today still have galvanized steel, clay, or even cast iron piping. Starting in the 1970s, copper replaced galvanized steel and is today the most common…[Leia mais]

  • ramatwor publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    Ceramic Tile Lined Pipe has very uniform coating of specially formulated ceramic material that is affixed to the inner of the pipe and gives a very smooth surface. Outer of straight pipe is common steel pipe, cladding realized by forming high chromium lining via centrifugal forming technique. The advantages of Ceramic Tile Lined Tube with its own…[Leia mais]

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Artigos da Comunidade

Investimentos em Inteligência Artificial aceleram crescimento dos negócios

Por Mariana Mangueira, Content Producer na Dataside A pandemia foi um processo de impulsionamento e aceleração para muitos setores. Na medicina, a necessidade g...Read More

Inteligência Artificial no agronegócio e a sua influência na agenda ESG

Por William Rocha, gerente comercial na Engineering A pauta de ESG (em português, governança ambiental, social e corporativa) nunca esteve tão em evidência e nã...Read More

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