IA Magazine N°13

IA Magazine N°12



  • untinget publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Tshirts and shirts are two different terms often used interchangeably, but what is the difference between a shirt and a T-shirt?

    A shirt can be a short-sleeved or long-sleeved garment for the upper body. T-shirts for men are usually made of cotton and have shorter sleeves than a shirt. Shirts come in many different styles, colours, patterns, and…[Leia mais]

  • untinget publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Textile fabric may be defined as the flexible assembly of fibers or yarns, either natural or manmade. It may be produced by a number of techniques, the most common of which are weaving, knitting, bonding, felting or tufting. Conventional fabrics (woven, knitted) are produced in such a way that the fibers are first converted into yarn and…[Leia mais]

  • untinget publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Steel is well known for providing structure and strength unlike any other when it comes to construction. The durability and potency that steel provides is not matched by the likes of wood or concrete. More often than not, it’s the case that steel is the material of choice for construction, and people prefer steel due to its various…[Leia mais]

  • untinget publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Impurities and adulterants in raw materials pose potential health threats when present in the manufacturing of pharmaceutical APIs and drug products. These same impurities and adulterants may also result in lower production yields and greater needs for product purification. Thus, their identification and quantification within incoming raw…[Leia mais]

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Artigos da Comunidade

Investimentos em Inteligência Artificial aceleram crescimento dos negócios

Por Mariana Mangueira, Content Producer na Dataside A pandemia foi um processo de impulsionamento e aceleração para muitos setores. Na medicina, a necessidade g...Read More

Inteligência Artificial no agronegócio e a sua influência na agenda ESG

Por William Rocha, gerente comercial na Engineering A pauta de ESG (em português, governança ambiental, social e corporativa) nunca esteve tão em evidência e nã...Read More

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