IA Magazine N°13

IA Magazine N°12



  • hulanrum publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    How Does a Diesel Engine Work?
    Diesel Engine Powering a Generator Set

    In today’s world, where fuel prices are increasing as a consequence of spiraling demand and diminishing supply, you need to choose a cost-effective fuel to meet your needs. Thanks to the invention of Rudolph Diesel, the diesel engine has proved to be extremely efficient and…[Leia mais]

  • hulanrum publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    They must be durable, long lasting and resistant to a wide range of temperatures, moisture and chemicals.
    There are five main materials that conveyor belts are made out of: thermoplastics, metal, rubber, fabric and leather. Plastics include polyester, polyvinyl chloride, silicone and polyethylene. The metals are stainless and carbon steel, and the…[Leia mais]

  • hulanrum publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    Since ancient times, plants have been used as herbal medicines. Ayurveda has a 5000 years old rich heritage of the use of plants in the treatment of various human ailments as alternative medicines. Herbal extracts are primarily added to the cosmetic formulations due to several associated properties such as antioxidant, anti-inflammatory,…[Leia mais]

  • hulanrum publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    Tradition dictates that the man gets down on one knee and, in a grand and romantic fashion, asks the woman he loves to marry him and presents her with a diamond ring. He gets a wedding band at the exchange of vows, but what about the time in between? Do men wear engagement rings, too?
    The answer might actually be a bit more complicated than you…[Leia mais]

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Artigos da Comunidade

Inteligência artificial não é exclusividade das grandes empresas

A transformação digital, que já vinha mostrando o melhor caminho para aumentar o nível de competitividade e consequentemente potencializar os resultados dos neg...Read More

Hiperautomação não é bicho-papão

Por Emauri Gaspar, cofundador da Run2Biz Se a automação de processos (o uso de robotização e inteligência artificial) pode soar algo caro, distante, para pequen...Read More

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