IA Magazine N°13

IA Magazine N°12



  • untinget publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Sharpening a pencil correctly can be important, especially if you are an artist or just want your handwriting to look smooth. In fact, it can be an artisanal skill. There are several different ways you can sharpen a pencil.

    Use a portable, manual sharpener. These usually come with two holes in a small plastic square. One hole is for a smaller…[Leia mais]

  • glaseset publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás


    Flanges can either be forged or cast. Both manufacturing methods have their advantages and disadvantages, depending on the application you have in mind for your flange. Here at Texas Flange, we primarily deal with forged flanges due to the outdated nature and lower standard of quality of cast flanges. Below, we will…[Leia mais]

  • glaseset publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    racticing yoga is very easy provided one does the yoga according to ones capabilities. It wouldn’t be advisable for a 50-year-old person to attempt yoga for the first time and start doing poses which are done by 20-year-olds. So if you want to get yoga poses right then there are some things which will be handy for you such as mats, straps, physio…[Leia mais]

  • glaseset publicou uma atualização 3 anos atrás

    Ground-mounted solar panels are solar panels that are installed at the ground level Ground-mounted systems function very similarly to rooftop solar systems – panels are exposed to sunlight which is converted to electricity by solar cells in order to power a single building or, in the case of solar farms, communities.

    Here are the top three t…[Leia mais]

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Artigos da Comunidade

Inteligência artificial não é exclusividade das grandes empresas

A transformação digital, que já vinha mostrando o melhor caminho para aumentar o nível de competitividade e consequentemente potencializar os resultados dos neg...Read More

Inteligência Artificial no agronegócio: como a tecnologia tem beneficiado o setor

Por Marcio Aguiar, diretor da divisão Enterprise da NVIDIA na América Latina A Inteligência Artificial (IA) já está presente em inúmeras aplicações e soluções e...Read More

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