IA Magazine N°13

IA Magazine N°12



  • explywle publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    LED stands for light-emitting diode. LED lights ;produce light up to 90% more efficiently than incandescent light bulbs. How do they work? An electrical current passes through a microchip, which illuminates the tiny light sources we call LEDs and the result is visible light. To prevent performance issues, the heat LEDs produce is absorbed into a…[Leia mais]

  • explywle publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    1. This vertical shoe insole machine ; belongs to the internal line machine series is our GR independent research and development of a product
    2. This machine structure is more suitable for an operator to stand at work.

    3. This vertical shoe insole making machine has c / d / j three kinds of horns respectively suitable for shoes cloth shoes boots…[Leia mais]

  • explywle publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    CNC machining ;plays a vital role in the evolving world of modern manufacturing. ;
    What is a CNC Machine?

    Computer Numerical Control machines are automated machines, which are operated by computers executing pre-programmed sequences of controlled commands. CNC machines are essentially the opposite of “old-school” devices that are manually con…[Leia mais]

  • explywle publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    Drinking water is indispensable for people. In the hot summer, come with a glass of cool ice water to quench your thirst; in the cold winter, a cup of hot coffee can refresh your mind. With the development of the economy, people’s ideological awareness has improved, and “environmental protection” has become a hot topic. The ordinary paper cup is…[Leia mais]

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Artigos da Comunidade

O papel dos líderes na adoção de uma Inteligência Artificial ética e confiável

Por Tonny Martins, IBM LA Technology General Manager Os avanços no campo da Inteligência Artificial (IA) se tornaram catalisadores de mudanças na região. Sem dú...Read More

Pfizer conclui projeto de automação fiscal com a Engineering

A Pfizer é a primeira indústria farmacêutica a adotar a plataforma de gestão fiscal da SAP, o TDF (Tax Declaration Framework), e, para apoiar na entrega das obr...Read More

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