IA Magazine N°13

IA Magazine N°12



  • sentiaet publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    In electronics, a remote control (also known as a remote or clicker) is an electronic device used to operate another device from a distance, usually wirelessly. In consumer electronics, a remote control can be used to operate devices such as a television set, DVD player or other home appliance. A remote control can allow operation of devices that…[Leia mais]

  • sentiaet publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    Table game has two senses. In a general sense it is any “game played on a table or similar surface, typically with counters, balls, or other playing pieces” as opposed to card games and, sometimes, board games. In the United States, ‘table game’ is the term used for games of chance such as blackjack, craps, roulette and baccarat that are played…[Leia mais]

  • sentiaet publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    A grinding wheel is a wheel used for grinding. Grinding wheels are composed of abrasive compounds and are used for various grinding (abrasive cutting) and abrasive machining operations. Such wheels are used in grinding machines. The wheels are generally made with composite material . This consists of coarse-particle aggregate pressed and bonded…[Leia mais]

  • sentiaet publicou uma atualização 2 anos, 10 meses atrás

    The Courses for Early Language Education reflects Xuba Language Enlightenment’s value orientation in the process of children’s learning of their mother tongue, and it is one aspect of Xuba Language Enlightenment’s multi-dimensional value concept. Therefore, the courses for early language education is not a teaching method in a simple sense, nor is…[Leia mais]

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Artigos da Comunidade

ChatGPT: quando a Inteligência Artificial deixa de ser aliada e se torna ameaça à humanidade?

Por Ricardo Scheffer, CEO da SONDA Brasil, líder regional em serviços de Transformação Digital Com mais de 100 milhões de usuários, o ChatGPT é capaz de inventa...Read More

O que o ChatGPT significa para a Inteligência Artificial?

Por Juan Jose Lopez Murphy,  head de Ciência de Dados de Inteligência Artificial da Globant  Dois meses após seu lançamento, o ChatGPT já alcançou 100...Read More

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